As we build our Climbing Skins in-house we collect extra fabric and parts along the way. Rather than have them end up in a landfill, we've decided to put these A-grade materials to good use by offering a limited edition run of CRAFT Climbing Skins.
Perfect for those just getting into touring or anyone looking for a value Climbing Skin.
CRAFT Climbing Skins are made with the same high-quality plush fabric and backing material as our other climbing skins and you can expect the same level of performance. The only difference is that they are made with different colour patterns, tips, and tails, which may change between batches due to this limited production run.
SPEED Climbing Skins are made with 100% mohair plush - the lightest, fastest, and most packable high-performance skin available that doesn't sacrifice usability.
For the CRAFT family of gear, G3 offers a manufacturing warranty on performance but not for cosmetic appearance.